Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

hey there welcome to my channel where I take you 
on tours of tiny and unique homes the tiny house  

behind me belongs to Shelley and today she’s 
letting us decorate her house for Halloween  

so this is a very special episode of Tiny 
House giant Journey where we’re doing a  

haunted tiny house today’s video is sponsored 
by Govi and their outdoor lights collection  

we’re going to be installing a variety 
of their lights on Shelley’s tiny house  

including their new product the outdoor 
permanent lights they’re going to be  

the icing on the cake creating the spooky 
effect for our haunted tiny house foreign

thanks so much for letting us take over 
your tiny house for the day and decorate  

it for Halloween but in order to make 
it super spooky you’re gonna have to  

get out of here for a few hours so 
we can get to work okay all right  

I’m excited all right thanks get on out 
of here see you soon all right good luck

so I have a few helpers here to decorate 
Shelley’s house including Nabil my husband  

and Marcia who’s holding the camera 
she does videography and editing for  

this Channel and yes we will 
be dressing the part foreign

hey Mr Wizard how’s it going with the outdoor 
permanent lights they stick right to the underside  

of the fascia it’s easy what length are we using 
again it comes in 100 or 50 feet 50 feet is that  

going to be enough you think for what we want to 
do on this 36 foot tiny house yep even with that  

inset we’ll wrap around the far end at the 
end thank you say hello to my little friend


and look his beautiful eyes

I can’t wait to see what Shelly thinks 
there’s so much to look at big and small

foreign string lights around the porch overhang 
I’m going to be placing these Gobi flood lights  

so they all string together which is 
pretty cool so they only need one Outlet  

watch this one good thing about tiny 
homes is you don’t need a whole lot  

of decorations to make it look like a 
whole lot of decorations oh look at that

all right so we have all the lights up 
and it’s really bright outside right now  

but you can see the lights so I’m thinking 
at night they’re going to be really bright  

couple more Finishing Touches and then we’re 
gonna invite Shelly back to check it out  

okay Shelly I’m really excited to show 
you this took us all day are you ready  

to see your spooky tiny house super excited 
okay I’m gonna count down three two one and  

then you can remove your hands okay okay ready 
three two one oh my gosh oh wow it looks like a  

haunted house a haunted tiny house yeah and 
we also got you a hat if you’d like to wear  

it of course I have to play and then I wore the 
appropriate shirt yes you did oh my gosh it’s so  

it’s so cute I can’t wait for you to see it 
at night though yes because right check out  

the lights yeah we put outdoor permanent lights 
around the whole top there and then some lights  

around just your patio area that are more 
like the traditional string lights and then  

down here we have ground lights which you can 
of course move to a different place but for  

today we decided to come just in front of the 
tiny house and then we have these flood lights  

that are gonna light up the front light up 
these gravestones but later on if you want  

to you can attach them to the house and light 
you know your nice view out here so oh my gosh  

well I’m gonna have to totally have a party yes 
definitely yeah tiny house giant spider web yes

take a look at everything

nice to meet you thanks for watching over the tiny 
house this is gonna be so nice with these lights  

hanging down here they’re totally customizable I 
have them on purple right now but they they can  

change they can flicker they can actually go to 
the music which I’ll show you later oh my God turn  

on some Halloween music okay and we’ll get the 
dance like party music yeah yes yeah I’m super  

excited to use these lights for a Seahawks game I 
can do Seahawks colors or whatever Mariners maybe  

but um Christmas and yeah and they can just be 
regular incandescent too so that’s what I use  

them for I have these on my tiny house and these 
ones are really cool because they’re like more  

slick and you know can tuck underneath your eaves 
right yeah you wouldn’t even really notice them a  

lot unless they’re on so here’s a Gobi app um 
really easy to set up but you can change the  

lights to whatever color you want so what color do 
you want these lights right now green is good yeah  

Green’s kind of spooky that might look good with 
the purple lights we have down there but you can  

also change individual ones so let’s say you just 
want every other color to be green and then every  

other color to be purple so that’s what it should 
be now yeah let’s play with the permanent outdoor  

lights for a second so this one has actually 
some Festival settings so right now I have it  

on a Halloween setting pulsing in between purples 
and oranges but they have different versions of  

that this one’s probably chasing in between those 
all of them have timers so you can say you know  

when to wake up when to go to sleep stuff like 
that and you can sink them all together as well

thank you so these are the Gobi lighting Products 
that we used on Shelley’s tiny house to create the  

really spooky effect that we got today the main 
one is the permanent outdoor lights these are  

the ones that we hung along the top Eve around 
her entire house and this is a really cool new  

product it has a ton of Versatility there’s also 
nine DIY modes so you can program your own design  

and it was super easy to hang it took Nabil maybe 
30 or 40 minutes to hang the entire 50-foot string  

of lights the Gobi permanent outdoor lights are 
waterproof they’re durable and they’re energy  

saving and eco-friendly so you can use them for 
every special occasion the price of electricity  

consumed by these lights per year is less than 
nine dollars and that’s at maximum brightness  

some of the other ones that we installed today 
were the ground lights we also ran the flood  

lights in front of the tiny house so this is 
going to light the gravestones the spider web  

lastly above the porch we did these string lights 
these are basically unbreakable and all of these  

lights are LED so they’re eco-friendly 
and they’ll last forever oh foreign

like one of the most fun videos that I’ve ever 
made I felt like a little kid decorating your  

tiny house so thanks so much but next week 
we’re publishing the tour of the inside of  

Shelley’s tiny house so that I’m also excited to 
share with you guys until next time see you later

I hope you guys enjoyed our haunted 
tiny house Halloween special if you’d  

like to learn more about the Govi 
light products that we featured  

in this video you can check out the 
links in the description see you soon