One of the biggest days in our lives is going to be the day we graduate. If we go to college, it is a new level that is even more exciting for us as we go to get our diploma.
Graduation day is the day we want to share with everyone in our family and among our friends. We want to have somebody there to share in our joy and perhaps even to look at us with a little respect.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t always turn out that way and that is what we see in the case of Jeric Rivas. He was graduating from college in the Philippines and unfortunately, his parents did not make the event.
It’s a shame, but it’s not something that he was unaccustomed to experiencing. His parents have always been a little elusive and they have let him down many times in the past.
This even included a time in elementary school work he was supposed to receive an award for receiving top honors in his class. He was to get the metal from a family member, but nobody showed up. He didn’t even go on the stage to get his award.

A friend had to go up in a similar event to stand by his side at a high school ceremony. His parents just couldn’t find the time to come support him.
When he graduated from college, he was hoping that the day would be big enough that his family would see the importance of being there. Unfortunately, he was on his own and he couldn’t help but break down in tears.
He went to social media and wrote: “I just felt that my tears were dripping, I just sat on the side. I feel jealous.”
Sometimes it can be difficult when you face this type of situation but there was a silver lining to this dark cloud. Jeric thought he was going to be alone when he stepped out on the stage but his professor was there and he gave him a big hug.
He may not have the support of his parents on that day, but his teachers were there to stand by his side. His fellow students also let him know how much they appreciated him and were proud of what he did.