Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Golden retriever Rio gave birth to nine healthy puppies this summer. But one of them looked a little different to the rest of his siblings.

Her owners couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw that one of the puppies had green fur.

It’s extremely unusual – but it has happened before. Puppies can sometimes have green fur when they are born.

Breeders believe it’s to do with the puppies being exposed to biliverdin—a green bile pigment found in the placenta. But it’s only known to have happened three times before, according to The Sun.

That’s no trick: a golden retriever in Scotland gave birth to a green puppy! “Rio” gave birth to 9 puppies, and owner…Posted by Bill Fitzgerald – WTVR CBS 6 on Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The dog’s owner, Louise Sutherland, was shocked when she saw the green puppy.

“We couldn’t believe it,” she told The Sun.

The family lives in Scotland, but news of the green puppy quickly travelled across the globe.

Couple is shocked when chocolate lab gives birth to green puppy http://bit.ly/2kzvVJ5Posted by VeryTonyaTerry on Friday, February 10, 2017

However, the color doesn’t last forever. After a few days and many baths from mom, the color began to fade. It didn’t take long before the green puppy looked just like his siblings.

But that didn’t matter to Louise. She became so attached to the little green puppy that she decided to keep him. She named him Forest.

I had no idea that puppies could be born green! It’s unbelievably cute. 

Share this post to wish Forest the best of luck in life!