Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Meet Tommy, a colossal Brown Swiss steer who hails from the Alps and has found a loving home on a New England farm.

Brown Swiss are usually the big guys of the dairy world, and Tommy is no exception.

His owner, Fred, has a knack for raising calves and saved Tommy from auction back in 2010.

“Tommy was named after Tom Brady, who at the time was the quarterback for our beloved New England Patriots football team,” shares Laurie, Fred’s daughter.

That’s right, this GOAT (Greatest of All Time) steer is named after a GOAT quarterback!

Now, you might be thinking, “Is Tommy dinner material?”

But hold your horses—or cows, in this case.

Laurie quickly set the record straight: Tommy is a cherished family pet.

“People frequently joke about eating Tommy, but he’s going to be buried on this farm when his time comes,” she insists.

Don’t let Tommy’s towering size and impressive horns fool you; he’s a gentle giant with a heart of gold.

“Despite his size and his enormous horns, Tommy has a calm and peaceful demeanor,” Laurie says.

Brown Swiss are known for their kind disposition, and Tommy lives up to that reputation.

His easygoing nature might also have something to do with him being a steer, which is a castrated bull.

Bulls can be quite the handful, but not our Tommy.

Tommy isn’t just a hit with adults; he’s a kiddo magnet too.

He has a special way of lowering his head so that even the tiniest of hands can reach up and pet him.

“He is always very aware of where my dad is and watches him intently whenever he is around,” Laurie adds.

The love and care Tommy has received from Fred is visible, making him an incredibly gentle and friendly animal.

So, what’s a day in the life of Tommy like?

Well, it involves a lot of munching!

Tommy eats three times a day—or more—and his diet includes about 30 pounds of dry grain, over 75 pounds of hay, and a whopping 35-40 gallons of water.

That’s one thirsty steer!

While Tommy loves to roam the pastures and snack on fresh, green grass, he’s been laying low due to a sore foot.

“We have had special hoof experts and veterinarians work on him, but it’s a long, slow healing process when they have issues with their hooves,” Laurie explains.

“Especially a heavy animal like Tommy.”

But don’t worry, Tommy has his comfort foods to keep him happy.

He’s an Apple fan, and Fred spares no expense to keep him supplied.

“My dad will go to the market and spend all his money on apples,” Laurie says. Tommy even knows how to shake down wild apple trees in the pasture.

And if apples are off the menu?

He’ll settle for cinnamon buns or carrots.

When he’s not eating, Tommy enjoys the simpler things in life: taking long naps and chewing cud.

Although, as Laurie notes, “he has slowed down quite a bit” as he’s gotten older.

People often wonder what Tommy’s “job” is, given his size.

“I always explain that Tommy’s job is to keep my dad young and active, and he takes his task seriously,” Laurie says.

“My dad is almost 80 and still outworks most men half his age.”

The story of Tommy and Fred has captured hearts far and wide.

Fred was over the moon when Tommy was recognized by the Guinness World Records.

“The two of them are legendary, and I knew it was a chance to capture them in history and share this wonderful pair with the world,” Laurie beams.

The best part?

The global outpouring of love and admiration for this extraordinary duo.

“To say we are thrilled doesn’t do it justice,” Laurie concludes.

“We are so honored and happy that we have such an amazing creature amongst us and can’t wait to see him in print!”

See Tommy and his family in the video below.

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