Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

For a parent, being separated from your kids needs to be the maximum insufferable component you can likely imagine. But for a mother named Lani, that became her existence for the beyond forty years.
Lani from Thailand met a member of the U.S. Air Force even as he became stationed there during the Vietnam War. She fell in love with him and shortly the couple married and moved to Ohio. They had a daughter there after which moved to Oxford, England, and had another baby.

But years later, the connection went south and the couple divorced. Lani, who didn’t talk English well, didn’t recognize the phrases of the divorce and signed away her rights to ever see her daughters again. And from that day onward, each mom and daughter spent the subsequent forty years attempting to find each other — till they reunited, way to social media.

When Lani became separated from her daughters, Starla and Jeannie, It became difficult for the mom as was for her girls.

Starla tells ABC News, “We asked our dad about our mother, and he in no way spoke unwell of our mother to us. He simply stated that she couldn’t talk English due to the fact she’s full-blooded Thai, and he stated that for the reason of us being American and him being in the military he thought he could take care of us better”

So for the subsequent 4 decades, each mom searched for each other.
When they were given a touch older, Starla and Jeannie searched each database they could with the “help” of their dad — however to no avail.

“When I sit back and I think of everything, I think he just tried to make it look like he helped. He was trying to protect us, or he was scared he was going to lose his baby girls. They always say there are three sides to the story. His side, her side, and the truth,” Jeannie tells ABC News.

The years passed and the young ladies contemplated whether they ought to surrender the search and continue on with their own personal business. However, as of late, Starla received an unforeseen message on Facebook. It was from a man named Mark Szarmach.
Mark ended up being Lani’s spouse. He had attempted to assist his wife with tracking down her tragically missing little girls, yet for quite a while, his endeavors came up unproductive.
Mark says about his wife, “Lani needed to track down them yet she didn’t have the foggiest idea how to and in light of the fact that she had such restricted data, there weren’t any steady ventures. In any case, she’s many times sobbed late into the night and discussed her little girls and how she needs to find them sometime in the future.”

In view of his wife’s accent, Mark thought Starla was named “Stella” and Jeannie was named “Jenny.” No big surprise he struggled with tracking down them!

Mark likewise knew the young ladies’ dad’s name, however, and look for him, as well. The man’s name was John Thompson, and since it was so normal, it required investment for Mark to filter through every individual with a similar name. At last, however, he tracked down his obituary. Through that, he found the young ladies’ genuine names and went to Facebook and looked for them once more.
This time, Mark observed a Facebook representative Jeannie Toomey and was staggered when he saw one picture specifically.

“I opened up an album and their baby picture popped up. I was in shock. I came running out of the bedroom and said, ‘Honey you’ve got to come see this.’ I showed her that picture and she just started bawling,” Mark says.

Mark reached Jeannie, who was blown away. She and Starla made arrangements with Lani to at long last rejoin the following 40 years and after seven days, they did!
Watch the astonishing get-together here: