Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

When you do, you hope you’ve done enough good that people will celebrate your life since not everyone lives to be 104. Gerald was undoubtedly one of them and was honored beyond his wildest dreams. It began when Kevin Mills, his son, posted on Twitter that his father was turning 104 and requested birthday greetings.

Also, Mills posted a sweet photo of his father. “This is Gerald, my father. On July 12, he turns 104,” tweeted Mills. “Is there any possibility I may have 104 Twitter happy birthdays? He’ll be both impressed and perplexed at the same time. The straightforward birthday greeting evolved into a sweet thread where individuals shared birthdays and photographs of loved ones, with a preponderance of them showcasing elderly grandparents.

The tweet attracted a ton of responses, and the centenarian received many more birthday wishes than 104. There were almost 423,000 likes on the tweet.

Adam Hill wrote with a photo of his baby daughter that he hoped she will live as long as him. “Gerald, happy birthday. Here is Flora, my daughter, who was born three months early and was 12 weeks preterm.

Hope she lives to be 104 too,” the post stated. While wishing him, some people sent pictures of their aging relatives. “Happy birthday Gerald!” Joanna commented beside a picture of her grandma, who is 101 years old. Your dad and my grandmother, Bridget, both turn 101 this year.

Hats off to these two extremely remarkable centenarians and to everyone else here, and many, many joyful returns! Someone other sent a picture of their little grandchild along with the message, “Cheers Gerald! A toast to us, it’s also my birthday on July 12th! Being particularly adorable, according to my new granddaughter, is the key to a long life, but judging on your photo, I don’t believe you need to be told that.

Luke Skywalker in the “Star Wars” series, played by Mark Hamill, wrote “For Gerald” and posted an emoji of a cake. Even English actor and comedian Stephen Fry joined in the fun by posting, “Happy birthday Gerald! xx” Another individual wished Gerald and posted a photo of himself with his grandma and her sister. “Can we please obtain 104 likes for my 104-year-old sister Tina and 105 likes for my 105-year-old grandma Mary on the left? This is from my visit with them today, when they were both living independently in their own homes.

Gerald, happy birthday. Your birthday is July 12; mine is the same day. He recently died away on May 14; he would have turned 70 this year.

The straightforward tweet became a campaign and was even broadcast on the radio. A tweet wished Gerald a happy birthday and linked a clip of the host of 94.5 KHI in Ocean City, Maryland, talking about it on the radio.

Sharon Steed posted a picture of her late father lounging on a sofa with a cute puppy. Gerald, happy birthday! My father lived to be 86 years old (seen here with my dog Washington before he died away this past Christmas); he probably would have given you the runaround and consumed the entire cake with you today!