Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

A terrible accident while walking to the school bus landed 11-year-old Ne’maya Mitchell in the hospital fighting for her life. And as prayers and support pour in, her family holds on to the hope she’ll recover.

What started out as a typical September day quickly took a terrifying turn. 11-year-old Ne’maya Mitchell and her family live across the street from the bus stop, so most mornings, Ne’maya crosses the street on her own to catch the bus.

Like all the other mornings, she left the house and started walking to the school bus. But not long after she said goodbye to her mom, Lanita Mitchell, a knock came at the door. It was someone coming to tell Lanita her daughter had been hurt.

“I saw my baby just lying down with one shoe on the left and her backpack to the left,” the mother recalls.

The driver of a passing car didn’t see Ne’maya Mitchell walking to the school bus and hit her. And the tragic accident launched Lanita into every parent’s worst nightmare.

“I dropped to my knees, and I couldn’t even touch my daughter,” she said.

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The driver who hit Ne’maya as she was walking to the school bus says they didn’t see her. With no signs of impaired driving or distraction, the authorities ruled it an unfortunate accident and didn’t file any charges.

And though the outcome of the investigation left the Texas mother disappointed, Lanita Mitchell is sharing her daughter’s story in the hopes it will encourage other drivers to pay closer attention for students walking to the school bus.

“You don’t want to get a call that someone hit your child,” she said. “Your heart drops. I’ll never forget that day.”

From Walking To School Bus To Fighting For Life
Poor Ne’maya suffered significant life-threatening injuries as a result of the accident. Emergency responders rushed her to the hospital where she spent time on life support and in critical condition.

Lanita Mitchell remains faithfully by her side, requesting prayers for her daughter’s recovery. And not only is support arriving in the form of prayers but as donations, too, to help cover medical expenses.

Lanita posts regular updates and it’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs. But she continues clinging to her faith that God will heal her baby girl. The damage was extensive after getting hit while walking to the school bus. But Lanita knows God has the final say so and trusts Him to make sure her baby is alright.

11-year-old Ne’maya Mitchell continues fighting and the prayers are certainly helping. She still has a long road to recovery ahead but the little girl is making great progress. And through it all, Lanita is leaning on God in the hard times and praising him with each victory.

Let’s all pray for Ne’maya’s continued healing. And may He give her pain a greater purpose. Perhaps her story will keep drivers more alert to keep other children safe while walking to the school bus.

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“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11