Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Choosing a surprise for your would-be spouse on your wedding day is tough. This might just be the most important day in both of your lives. How do you make a gift that’s fitting for the occasion?

One groom from Brazil came up with the perfect surprise for his bride on their special day.

This special occasion is for Cíntia Bonfante Pereira and her groom José Vitor Flach. They’d been together for at least 3 years, and finally decided to tie the knot. The ceremony took place in a church with friends and family alike attending.

But there would be a few more guests that the bride didn’t know about.

Cíntia works as a speech therapist for children with Down syndrome.
Her work has made a huge difference in the lives of many children. In fact, she’s formed quite the special bond with the kids.

They are her students, more or less. And we all know how much a caring adult can impact the life of a developing child. I’m sure we’ve all had some particularly sweet and hardworking teachers who’ve made a difference in our lives too.

Down syndrome does make it a challenge to communicate and converse for the affected person.

And children are going to be doing a lot of talking and listening in their preschool and elementary years.

It truly can’t be understated how important Cíntia’s line of work is for these kids.

Her groom definitely knew this better than most people.

So he hatched a plan to give his bride a surprise that’d move her to tears.
When it came time to recite vows and put on the rings, José’s surprise began to unravel.

The bride was still standing by her groom, without any knowledge of what was waiting for her on the other side of the aisle.

As she looked at who was bringing the rings, she instantly lost it and began crying.

And crying is expected on a wedding day. So for something to induce even more tears from the bride, that’s kind of a big deal.

Coming down the aisle as ring-bearers were her students from speech therapy.

The children with Down syndrome that spent all those days with her are also here on her special day.

All the kids dressed their best too. A pair even rode in a toy car behind the rest. Though I doubt they could use that as the bridal car.

They were the ring-bearers. All 7 of them.
What better way to show how much they love Cíntia, right?

I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t precious to watch. Something Cíntia cares deeply about is making kids feel included and appreciated, in spite of whatever condition they might’ve been born with. By having them attend her wedding in front of everyone, José has done just that.

Watch the precious moment that moved Cíntia to tears down below. Don’t forget to share this article about a wholesome story with more people too!