Teachers can be underappreciated at times. What they don’t realize is that being a teacher requires a lot of sacrifice. They spend countless hours preparing for classes all while having to deal with different personalities making sure to treat all students equally.
It’s not as simple as A B C.

We’ve all had fond memories of our teachers. Some good, some bad. And of course that one favorite educator who’s touched our lives in ways beyond what the school can give. If you know a few teachers, give them some love.
Teachers escort principal away and take over assembly
Homecomings are a great time to show some appreciation for the school and its members. Students get to showcase their talents, meet old friends and make new ones. School pride is at an all time high during the celebration.
New memories are created.
The teachers of Whitmer High School in Toledo, Ohio thought they’d take the reigns for this one. Looks like everyone is getting ready for the event. Students are mingling about, chatting with friends, and just waiting for the festivities to begin. Look at those colors!

A man stands in the middle of the basketball court with a microphone in hand. He looks about ready to address the crowd when suddenly, Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” starts playing. What’s going on?
A lady walks out and tells the man to vacate the floor.
The students begin to stir. They know what’s about to happen. It’s a flash mob!
Six female teachers take the floor and in formation, begin to dance to the internationally acclaimed hit song. These teachers are pumped and if it’s school spirit they want, they got it!

Don’t believe them? Just watch.
Check out those cheerleaders and the band just hanging out in the back. They must have had something prepared too but their teachers have taken over. They’ll have to wait. And it better be good!
The longer it gets, the more teachers join in. You can hear the students cheering them on during certain parts of the dance and some are even doing a half jump and dance in the stands. Go, Panthers!
Teachers are wonderful human beings.
“Wonderful!! You can not put a price on great teachers. They influence generations and deserve our respect.”
Says one guy in the comments section.
Imagine these teachers during a meeting talking about giving their students a performance as a welcome back surprise. Isn’t that a sweet thought? Aside from preparing for the school year ahead, they took some time to practice this dance too.
And so on they went, dancing their hearts out to the delight of their students. They even get to take turns showing off their moves in the middle of it all! They alternate by twos and threes, teachers, mascots, security staff, and someone who looks very important. The principal?
A male teacher even does the worm!
It’s become just a fun time for the teachers now. They know the school is entertained and if there were jitters at the start, they’re all long gone now. It’s cool to see the students cheering them on and as they dance to the end and take their final pose, the place erupts with cheers and applause from the now pumped up school. That’s how you do homecomings!
Check out these teachers’ flash mob dance in the video below!
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