Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Every parent wants their child to have a nice birthday. So, we move heaven and earth to make it happen, hoping that everything goes as planned.

But as we know, even on the most special days there can be snags.
One Charlotte, North Carolina mom was trying to make her young son’s birthday memorable by getting him a kiddie pool.

It was really hot outside, so swimming would be the perfect activity.

After the mom placed the kiddie pool in their yard, the next step was to fill it.
She didn’t have a hose, so the only way she could fill it up was with pots.

She would go in fill up a pot then bring it out and dump it in the pool. It was going to take a lot of pots and a lot of time.

Meanwhile, her children stood by watching and waiting. They weren’t sure if they going to get to swim that day or not.

The poor mom kept trying to fill up the pool. Fortunately, that’s when a firetruck drove by.
The firefighters saw what the woman was trying to do, and they felt bad. They knew it would take her forever to fill the pool up that way, and they could tell that the kids were getting impatient on such a sweltering hot day. They decided to help.

They grabbed the hose from the truck and used it to fill up the small pool.
The kids were jumping with joy and excitement about the pool. The mother couldn’t believe it. She was relieved and extremely grateful. She wasn’t going to have to fill up any more pots or worry about whether her son’s birthday party was going to be everything she hoped it would be.

Charlotte Fire Station 18 posted about the incident.
Officials were very proud of their firefighters. The post said:

“Firehouse 18 is a neighborhood firehouse full of men and woman who truly care about the families they swore to protect. Today, after leaving a medical call, Engine 18 stumbled across a family desperately trying to fill up a kiddy pool by filling pots from the sink for a little boys birthday on this sweltering day.”

It continued:

“What was just a simple task for us turned into laughter, smiles, and a lifelong memory for the neighborhood kids as well as the men on Engine 18? Proud to serve the WESTSIDE!”

These firefighters didn’t have to stop and take time out of their day to help this woman fill up her pool. But they did so out of the kindness of their hearts.
They saw a problem and had a way to fix it. They chose to help someone in need. It really shows what amazing people they are.

A lot of people read the post and saw the kind deed that these firefighters did for a local family.
Many people also commented on the post.

One Facebook user wrote:

“This is awesome, brought tears to my eyes. Those kids will remember what you did. Thank you from PA. Stay safe.”

Another wrote:

“Men and women like you are the reason I still believe there is good in the world.”

This one small act of kindness helped change a boy’s birthday around. Surely the family will never forget it.
We should all be inspired to lend a hand when we see one needed. Whether it be feeding someone who’s hungry, or helping fill a kiddie pool with water – kindness can always make a difference.