Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s son, Prince George, just celebrated his 8th birthday. Greetings for the little prince poured in from all over the world, first and foremost, of course, from his own famous family.

To mark the occasion, William and Kate posted a picture of their eldest son. But it wasn’t the fact that the Prince looks so sweet people that reacted to.

Rather, it turns out that Prince George is a true copy of his own father at the same age. Simply amazing!

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s relationship goes way back to a time when they were students. Over the years, Kate learned what royal life was about, and steadily became the object of the paparazzi’s attentions.

William and Kate both studied at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. The couple met through friends, and according to reports, Kate was really shy at first.

“I actually went bright red when I met you and scuttled off feeling very shy about meeting you,” she recalled.

“William wasn’t there for quite a bit of the time initially, he wasn’t there from Fresher’s Week, so it did take a bit of time for us to get to know each other.”

William, however, couldn’t really recall their first meeting, claiming that he had to “wrack his brains” to remember it.

In the beginning, William and Kate were nothing but really good friends. However, as the years at university passed, things became more serious.

As reported by Insider, the two started dating, reportedly thanks to a student fashion show, during which Kate caught William’s eye with an outfit that cost only $40.

According to the documentary, “The Day Will and Kate Got Married,” which aired in April of 2021, it was that specific outfit that changed everything.

“A switch had been flicked, he suddenly saw her in a different light, and I really believe that was the turning point in their relationship,” Katie Nicholl, Vanity Fair’s royal correspondent, said in the documentary.

Soon, they were deeply in love. And even though the outfit Kate wore was very special to him, William explained that everything changed as soon as they started hanging out.

“We were friends for over a year first and it just sort of blossomed from then on,” William told The Telegraph.”We just spent more time with each other and had a good giggle, and realized we shared the same interests.”

William and Kate spent a lot of time together, getting to know each other at university. In 2005 both of them graduated, Kate Middleton with a degree in art history and William in geography.

By this point, things had started to get serious. William and Kate both had publicly announced that they were dating, and by the time they graduated, they had already lived together for quite some time.

A year later, in 2006, Kate made her first public appearance with the Royal Family. Later that year, she, with her family alongside her, attended the Sovereign’s Parade at the Royal Military Academy, in which William appeared.

Being a member of the Royal Family must be a wonderful thing. The life itself seems pretty easy with all the money, nice houses, and fancy dinners. However – as we have seen in history, for example with Princess Diana – it can also be very tough. Especially considering the British tabloid press, who can be really harsh once they find a person to stalk.

And for Kate Middleton, this was also the case, as she became a subject of intense media fascination all over the country. After all, she was dating a future king. At the same time, of course, that shouldn’t have been an excuse for the media to dig deep into her private life.

In 2007, it was reported that William and Kate had split. Some of the reports even painted a picture of their ‘separation’ as being pretty inappropriate.

“He broke up with Kate because he’s met someone else who’s turned his head,” an anonymous source told The Observer at the time. “She’s from a decent background but is very naughty and he finds her much more exciting.”

“I don’t think it’s really over,” a friend of Kate’s told People. “I don’t think this is the last you’ll see of the two of them.”

Fortunately, their love story would come good just one year later. In 2008, William and Kate Middleton reconciled.

Years later, the couple spoke about their breakup, saying it was actually a good thing.

“We were both very young … and we were both finding ourselves,” William said in an interview with the Telegraph in 2010. “It was very much trying to find our own way and we were growing up.”

“I, at the time, wasn’t very happy about it, but actually it made me a stronger person,” Kate added.

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