Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

No matter how the Mattie T. Blount High School Leopards perform on the
football field this year, they’ve already won — in the eyes of God, at least.
That’s because the team doesn’t just have coaches and players in the locker
room. The Alabama school, located in the Mobile-area community of Eight
Mile, also has Pastor Wesley Davis in there. Thanks to his efforts and God’s
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10/25/22, 10:32 AM 60+ High School Football Players Get Baptized Together: “God is Up To Something BIG” 2/5
grace, over 60 players on the squad have been baptized, and more are
being led to the Lord.
Davis, the senior pastor at Nazaree Full Gospel Church in Mobile, is there
as part of the congregation’s ministry to reach out to kids at risk, according
“All you have to do is take the time and say, ‘How can we help?’ It doesn’t
have to be on the grand scale. It can be something as small as showing up,
walking in the hallway. It is a village that raises our kids,” he said.
Before practice on Thursday, Davis gave Blount players a biblical pep talk
about being underdogs — which the 2-4 Leopards certainly were against
the undefeated Theodore Bobcats.
“Judges Chapter 6 talks about this guy named Gideon. Gideon was a small
farmer, but God called him to do something incredible,” the pastor told the
Gideon led the Israelites to victory over the Midianites and threw off their
oppressive yoke, despite a massive numerical disadvantage in troops.
The stakes for the Blount Leopards were more modest — but this is high
school football, not the battlefield.
“Big game this week. What happens if we win?” Davis asked the players,
“Playoffs!” the team responded, almost in unison.
“That’s right,” Davis noted.
October 2022
September 2022
10/25/22, 10:32 AM 60+ High School Football Players Get Baptized Together: “God is Up To Something BIG” 3/5
However, the team’s biggest victory was won in August, when more than 60
of the players were baptized in the church, according to the Washington
“Our Worship Experience this past Sunday was phenomenal,” the church
said on social media.
“We are celebrating the 60+ football players of Blount High School that
gave their lives to Christ yesterday. God is up to something BIG at 1695!”
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According to Davis, the church’s involvement doesn’t end with the outreach
to the football players. Nazaree also hosts Bible study on Wednesday nights
and has youth Sunday school.
“When it carries over to the athletes it carries over to the students, so that
works out good,” Davis said.
As for the student-athletes, here’s something you don’t see on the nightly
local news all that often: Young men talking about the importance of
turning their life over to God.