Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Kids are inherently nosy and generally unconcerned with rules.

That’s no doubt the notion that Bryan Tucker of Henrico Country subscribes to.

Since the beginning of the school year, Tucker’s witnessed kids traipse up and down his lawn while waiting for the school bus.

Given the proximity between Tucker’s home and the bus stop location, it comes as no surprise that Tucker’s yard is a hub of adolescent activity.

As time wore on, Tucker began to notice that the kids were littering and trespassing.

According to Tucker, these teens were infringing on his privacy and rights.

In the hopes of reclaiming control over his front lawn, Tucker went to great lengths.

Before too long, an electrical fence was up in his yard.

Parents thought nothing of the fence at first, but once they noticed the solar panel, they realized the fence could do real harm.

Concerned parents galvanized into action, contacting local authorities to report Tucker.

One disgruntled father deemed Tucker “insane.”

Another stated that they didn’t want to see any children get electrocuted, and rightfully so.

Police found Tucker’s fence to be an encroachment on the city’s laws.

Officers asked him to remove the fence and “push it back to the limits of his property.”

Tucker obliged, but parents are still up in arms.

Tucker maintains that if the children had heeded the no trespassing signs that he put up, the fence wouldn’t be necessary.

Only time will tell if Tucker will appease the parents of Henrico County.