Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

People have lost pets before who have thankfully returned home. However, most people have never seen anything quite like this. In this video, a missing cat returns home by ringing the doorbell.

At the start of this clip, the Ring video camera/doorbell is capturing a night like any other when suddenly something pops up into the camera. It is the family cat meowing. The cat brilliantly rings the doorbell.

We hear the poor kitty meowing continuously in hopes that her owners will come to the door to discover her and welcome her back in.

We then hear the emotion and laughter of happiness from the woman who is the owner as she sees her cat has returned home. She says, “That is so funny!” As she opens the door, her cat runs to her.

She is in awe and asks her family member, “Do you have a recording of that?” We can hear as she cries tears of joy mixed with laughter at the entire situation. It is truly a miracle that this cat found her way back home and knew how to hit the doorbell to summon her owners in the night.

I have never seen anything quite like it. This adorable video reminds us of our own waywardness. However, even though we go down paths away from God’s best when we return to Him, He always is right there, joyfully waiting for us with open arms.

May this clip remind us of His unfailing love today.

“So he got up and went to his father. ‘But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.’” Luke 15:20